How do I use the Alma Viewer with Digital Collections?


Ex Libris added the new Alma viewer, which provides the ability to see images, PDFs, and other digital representations in Primo VE full records in the March 2020 release. 


Activating the Alma Viewer:

  • To turn on the viewer, go to Configuration, Fulfillment->Discovery Interface Display Logic->Viewer Services and make sure that the Alma Viewer is toggled on:

toggle Alma Viewer on

  • Click the three dots to edit the viewer, where you can check options and use service availability rules to decide where and how you'd like the viewer to be used:

customize alma viewer

  • Make sure that the "use New Viewer" is checked in this area above


Primo Configuration:

  • You can adjust where the viewer appears in your full record by going to Configuration, Discovery->Display Configuration->Configure Views. 
  • The viewer is part of the Quick Access services in the Full Record Services tab:

quick access services


Remote Digital Repository Settings:

  • To use the Alma Viewer with Remote Digital Repository imports, you need to make sure that the Alma Viewer box is checked on the Delivery tab in your Remote Digital Repository settings:

alma viewer checkbox

  • You can toggle this setting on and off to test the viewer without needing to reimport your content
  • The viewer is most useful when you can set up your remote repository to connect directly to a pdf or an image or some other kind of entity, rather than connecting to somewhere like the DSpace landing page. However, this can be challenging when you source data doesn't contain direct links to the content.
  • If you toggle the Alma Viewer on, it will control both the links to your content, which will go to the stand-alone viewer rather than the remote repository (i.e. the DSpace page for the content), and the appearance of the viewer in your Primo VE full record.


Primo Display:

  • If you're able to capture the direct link to the pdf or image or whatever, that content will show in the viewer box on the Primo record. However, if you are only able to link to the landing page for your item, that's what will display in Primo:

alma viewer in primo

  • From there, you can open the image, but it doesn't always fit nicely in your screen (note the link to the stand-alone Alma Viewer):

image viewer

  • When you have the Alma Viewer toggled on in your remote digital repository, your links will go to the stand-alone Alma Viewer rather than directly to DSpace or Digital Commons:

alma viewer stand-alone



  • Last Updated Jul 21, 2023
  • Views 994
  • Answered By Michelle Eichelberger

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